Michael “Beausoleil” Doucet – Le Hoogie Boogie: Louisiana French Music for Children


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Release Date:  1992

Label:  Rounder Records


Track List

  1. P’tit Galop Pour Mamou
  2. Mon Cheval
  3. Le Hoogie Boogie
  4. Deux Cocodries
  5. Zydeco Gris Gris Rap
  6. La Cravate a Zig et Zag
  7. A, B, C et 1, 2, 3
  8. O Mes Jolies Dames
  9. Jolie Blonde
  10. Sue
  11. O’Guillori
  12. L’ Arc-En-Ciel
  13. Paquet d’ Epingles
  14. Rond, Rond, P’tit Marais
  15. Les Maringouins Ont Tout Mangé Ma Belle
  16. Allons Danser, Colinda
  17. La Chanson de Cinquante Sous
  18. Aveine, Aveine
  19. Johnny Peut Pas Danser
  20. La Petite Poule Blanche/Fais Do Do



Ever wondered how to sing “The Hokey Pokey” in French? If not, maybe your kids have, and this disc is for them anyway. That’s not all they’ll learn, either: “L’Arc en Ciel” will help them with their colors, and “A, B, C et 1, 2, 3” will have them counting and chanting the alphabet with a French Lousiana twang before you know it. There are several songs about alligators, of course, as well as a charming ode to lost love entitled “Les Maringouins Ont Tout Mange Ma Belle” (“The Mosquitoes Ate My Sweetheart All Up”). The music itself is a spicey stew of Cajun fiddle tunes and folksong melodies, all of which is guaranteed to have you and your kids waltzing and stomping furiously around the room. Doucet‘s singing voice, as always, is less than inspiring, but c’mon, it’s a kid’s record. Very highly recommended.


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